PDF⋙ Release Your Worries: A guide to letting go of stress and anxiety by Cate Howell, Michele Murphy
Release Your Worries: A guide to letting go of stress and anxiety by Cate Howell, Michele Murphy
Release Your Worries: A guide to letting go of stress and anxiety by Cate Howell, Michele Murphy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This is a comprehensive yet accessible and even enjoyable book on dealing with stress and anxiety. It examines the nature of stress and anxiety before going on to cover a range of strategies and approaches for dealing with them -- the authors recognize that every individual is different and will choose different options.
Case studies are included, the issue of medication is addressed and the importance of a healthy lifestyle is highlighted. The authors have drawn on their clinical, research and teaching work in the field, with the result that Release Your Worries makes use of the most up-to-date psychological approaches, including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Narrative and Acceptance Commitment Therapy.
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