Design of Masonry Structures by B.Sc., Ph.D., M.I.C.E., C.Eng. S.R.Davies
Design of Masonry Structures by B.Sc., Ph.D., M.I.C.E., C.Eng. S.R.Davies PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Interest in stuctural masonary has increased significantly in recent years. As a result more advanced codes of practice for the design of buildings in brickwork have been introduced in many countries. Design of Masonary Structures covers in particular the structure and content of the British code BS 5628 and the Eurocode EC6. Although the book is written with reference to the British and European codes, the principles described have general application and exemplify structural masonry design based on a limit state approach. The opening chapter provides a sound understanding of materials properties and relevent structural principles, the basis for successful use of any design code. Next the author gives a detailed description of the British and European codes.The design of elements under compression, shear and lateral load is discussed, as are reinforced and prestressed members and masonry walls acting compositely with reinforced concrete or steel structures. The discussion of these topics is
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