Fabulous Fashions of the 1950s (Fabulous Fashions of the Decades) by Felicia Lowenstein Niven
Fabulous Fashions of the 1950s (Fabulous Fashions of the Decades) by Felicia Lowenstein Niven PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In the 1950s, women showcased their hourglass figures with cinched waists and full skirts. Their hair looked elegant and stylish in poodle cuts and bouffants. Men sported gray flannel suits and pompadours or duck tails. The term teenager was coined and companies recognized the spending power of this particular group. Elvis Presley ruled the airwaves while Marilyn Monroe was queen of the silver screen. Read about the fashions, fads, pop culture icons, and world events of the 1950s.From reader reviews:
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