Dermatologic Complications with Body Art: Tattoos, Piercings and Permanent Make-Up
Dermatologic Complications with Body Art: Tattoos, Piercings and Permanent Make-Up PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Body piercings, tattoos, and permanent make-up have become very popular as a fashion statement in recent decades. This book guides the reader through the world of body art. An overview is first provided of the history and epidemiology of tattoos and piercings. Subsequent chapters go on to examine in detail the materials and devices used in various forms of body art, and the techniques employed. All relevant risks and potential complications are clearly described with the aid of color illustrations. Special attention is paid to allergic reactions and the management of complications. The closing chapter examines the techniques and devices used for tattoo removal, with a particular focus on the use of different lasers.
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