Hesparia's Tears by Imogene Nix
Hesparia's Tears by Imogene Nix PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Two unlikely lovers from Hesparia and Earth. Can they overcome misunderstandings, their pasts and the desperate plight of his planet? What will happen when the past catches up? Galan is from Hesparia, a prince on a planet where the females are dying out his people need an alliance with the humans. Jessa has a past, one she hasn't earned but cannot escape. What will happen when opportunity knocks? Galan travels to earth, hoping to plead the case for Hesparia. He doesn't expect Jessa or The Quickening. Can he make the case for women to migrate to Hesparia? Can he get the humans to trust him enough to form an alliance? And is there hope for this couple to overcome the obstacles in their way?From reader reviews:
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