TCP/IP 24seven by Gary Govanus
TCP/IP 24seven by Gary Govanus PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Written for experienced administrators and consultants, this text offers information designed to build on the knowledge the reader already has. Coverage includes: understanding the components and capabilities of the TCP/IP protocol suite; establishing what needs to be done with TCP/IP; understanding the nuances of IP addressing and subnetting; designing, implementing, and managing an IP network; using TCP/IP to build firewall protection into the network; using FTP, DHCP, DNS, and SNMP to maximum effect; keeping the TCP/IP healthy, happy, and operational all the time; getting the most out of TCP/IP on LAN, WAN, VPN, or internet connection; using IP utilities and command to pinpoint errors; and looking ahead to IPv6 and how to prepare for your network's migration to it.From reader reviews:
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