Record a Story: Sesame Street, Together at Heart by Editors of Publications International Ltd.
Record a Story: Sesame Street, Together at Heart by Editors of Publications International Ltd. PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Share a Sesame Street story as only you can. Record a Story: Sesame Street, Together at Heart enables family and friends to read a story to children even when they can t be there in person. Grandparents and other special people in a child s life can create a personal memento across the miles with this keepsake storybook. Your voice will be saved in these pages for little ones to enjoy again and again.This unique storybook featuring Elmo and his Sesame Street friends plays your personalized recording as the child turns each colorful page. Each time a child turns the page, a lively musical tune plays, and the child hears the loved one s voice reading the story. There s an audio message from Elmo himself on the book s dedication page.
Record a Story: Sesame Street, Together at Heart is easy to set up. Follow these directions:
Turn to the page you wish to record.
Press the RECORD button. Listen to the instructions. When you hear a beeping sound, read the words on the page.
After you are finished reading the page, press STOP. You can re-record until you are satisfied with your recording. Repeat the process with the remaining pages of the book.
Set the locking switch behind the screw-on plate to ensure that your recording won t be inadvertently erased. Your voice recording is permanent; it will not be lost when the book s batteries are changed. Three replaceable AAA batteries come with the book.
This recordable storybook was designed for children ages 18 months to 3 years. It is a wonderful gift idea for out-of-town relatives, a parent who is away from home frequently, or someone in the military assigned to a faraway land.
Please note that in order for the book to function properly it must be recorded on a flat surface and in a well-lit area, so that the holes located on the right side of the book have an unobstructed view of a light source. The same conditions are also required for proper playback.
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