PDF⋙ Queer Voices from the Campus: Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students Share Their Coming-Out Stories by Donald W Hinrichs Phd
Queer Voices from the Campus: Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students Share Their Coming-Out Stories by Donald W Hinrichs Phd
Queer Voices from the Campus: Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students Share Their Coming-Out Stories by Donald W Hinrichs Phd PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Coming Out as LGBT is one of the most powerful things a queer (non-heterosexual) person can do. Not only is it an important personal step in identity transformation and self-acceptance, it is, according to Stephen Murray, the most important criterion for membership in the gay community. The narratives in this book show us the common elements in the coming-out process as well as the unique experiences individuals have as they move through the process of self-acceptance and queer identification. The stories highlight not only the struggles in coming out, but also the joys that many experience in the course of this process. The support of family and friends, or lack of it, as a significant factor in the coming-out process is vividly illustrated. Also, the role played by the college/university campus environment is demonstrated in the stories. The author's coming-out story, although it occurred at a much later age than those of the students in this book, adds an interesting dimension to the stories since his coming out also happened in the context of a college environment where he was a professor. The book ends with a list of insights that come from studying these narratives.From reader reviews:
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