Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2016 Instruction by Kirstie Plantenberg
Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2016 Instruction by Kirstie Plantenberg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2016 Instruction gives students a basic understanding of how to create and read engineering drawings by presenting principles in a logical and easy to understand manner. It covers the main topics of engineering graphics, including tolerancing and fasteners while also teaching them the fundamentals of AutoCAD 2016. This book features an independent learning disc containing supplemental content to further reinforce these principles. Through its many different exercises this text is designed to encourage students to interact with the instructor during lectures, and it will give students a superior understanding of engineering graphics and AutoCAD.
The enclosed independent learning disc allows the learner to go through the topics of the book independently. The main content of the disc contains pages that summarize the topics covered in the book. Each page has voice over content that simulates a lecture environment. There are also interactive examples that allow the learner to go through the instructor led and in-class student exercises found in the book on their own. Video examples are also included to supplement the learning process.
Multimedia disc Content
- Summary pages with audio lectures
- Interactive exercises and puzzles
- Videos demonstrating how to solve selected problems
- AutoCAD video tutorials
- Supplemental problem and solutions
- Tutorial starter files
Each chapter contains these types of exercises:
Instructor led in-class exercises
Students complete these exercises in class using information presented by the instructor using the PowerPoint slides included in the instructor files. -
In-class student exercises
These are exercises that students complete in class using the principles presented in the lecture. -
Video Exercises
These exercises are found in the text and correspond to videos found on the disc. In the videos the author shows how to complete the exercise as well as other possible solutions and common mistakes to avoid. -
Interactive Exercises
These exercises are found on the disc and allow students to test what they've learned and instantly see the results. -
End of chapter problems
These problems allow students to apply the principles presented in the book. All exercises are on perforated pages that can be handed in as assignments. Review Questions
The review questions are meant to encourage students to recall and consider the content found in the text by having them formulate descriptive answers to these questions.Crossword Puzzles
Each chapter features a short crossword puzzle that emphasizes important terms, phrases, concepts, and symbols found in the text.
Table of Contents
- Drawing in AutoCAD
- Orthographic Projection
- Creating Orthographic Projections in AutoCAD
- Dimensioning
- Dimensioning in AutoCAD
- Sectioning
- Creating Section views in AutoCAD
- Tolerancing
- Tolerancing in AutoCAD
- Threads and Fasteners
- Drawing Threads in AutoCAD
- Assembly Drawings
- Creating Assembly Drawings in AutoCAD
- Pictorial Drawings
- Creating Isometric Pictorials in AutoCAD
- Appendix A: Limits and Fits
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